The Best Rabbit Fence for Your Pet's Safety

The Best Rabbit Fence for Your Pet's Safety

So, you've adopted a pet rabbit and need yard fencing for them to hop around. You've come to the right place. Installing a rabbit fence will allow Hoppy to play outside with other companion pets while keeping them protected against external predators. Here's what you should know about rabbits:

Rabbits make wonderful pets; and they can play outside just like other companion animals. Like large dogs, rabbits chew and dig ( correct term is burrow) and they will escape the property line if the wrong fence type is installed. 

Plastic fencing will not do for rabbits. Rabbits' teeth grow 5' per year - and the growth is uncomfortable. They will nibble on hard surfaces, such as wooden posts or fences to alleviate pain. 

The best type of fence for rabbits is a metal hexagonal fence with PVC-coating. The 1' x 1' mesh holes are tiny enough to secure small bunnies in the yard as well as adult rabbits. This type of steel fence is also used for chewing dogs with moderate energy levels. It is recommended that homeowners install a 2-3' metal fence while trenching the fence into the ground 6-12' to prevent burrowing. 

July is Adopt a Rescue Rabbit Month; and rabbits make wonderful pets. Treat them like they are part of the family by installing a fence just for their own outside playtime.