Halloween Dog Safety

Halloween Dog Safety

Homeowners are preparing for the swarm of children that will approach homes in a few days for Halloween 2019. While children are excited to get their hands on candy and chocolates, pets are welcoming the thought, too. But, if pet owners aren't watching their companion animals, they may find themselves at the veterinarian..because their pets are getting very sick.

Sugar, and anything with cocoa, can make animals vomit or get the runs. Ingesting enough sugars can be toxic to animals, too. Raising and grapes can also cause kidney failure if ingested. What's worse, wrapping paper and aluminum foils can become choking hazards with sharp edges that can hurt dogs. Keeping glow sticks away from pets is a good idea, too.

If pet owners choose to put costumes on their dogs or cats, make sure the clothing is loose fitting, as to not be tight or too uncomfortable. And, if homeowners have parties, consider locking the dog in a spare room for the evening or some time outside in the fenced-in yard away from people - if they get skittish around new faces, that is.

Halloween can be fun for the whole family; but there are lessons to be learned with pet safety around the holiday season.