Halloween Pet Safety

Halloween Pet Safety

Because today is October 31st, it can only mean one thing: it's Halloween! While kids are out eating loads of Halloween candy, adults are reminded to pay close watch on their pets this week. 

  • Kids sometimes drop candy wrappers and aluminum foil on the ground only to find that curious animals are sniffing around the missing candy. Dogs and cats can both choke on candy wrappers and it can be damaging to their internal organs if ingested.
  • Keep pets away from chocolate and other sugary treats, too. Chocolate can make animals very sick. It really isn't good for them; and while you're at it, monitor your kids' intake of candy, as well!
  • Keep glow sticks away from pets.
  • Keep candles, especially in pumpkins, away from pets. Burning hazards*
  • Keep pet costumes loose. Discomfort is annoying for pets; but pet owners may not notice that pets are sweating; becoming dehydrated; and are just pain not happy!

Keep these Halloween pet safety tips in mind today as you plan Halloween parties and outings with pets. Happy Halloween from EasyPetFence.com!