It's Pet ID Week

It's Pet ID Week

Fact: One in three pets will get lost in their lifetime. 

The American Humane Association estimates over 10 million dogs and cats are lost or stolen in the U.S. every year. While many pet owners defend their statement that they cannot help whether or not their pets get out of the house, they can take necessary steps to guarantee that pets do not leave the home's property.
April 17-24, 2019 begins National Pet ID Week; and pet owners must ID pets for a number of reasons. 
Why ID Pets?
For starters, it's not about sporting a new collar, or flashing their name for all to see; it's about guaranteeing that if dogs and cats leave your sight, that they will be able to track back to you. The ID tag on dogs should have their name and an emergency contact phone number in case the pet gets lost. 
Another form of IDing pets is via microchip - a small implant in the skin of pets. While this tactic sounds futuristic, it really is how most dogs and cats are being ID'ed now and is relatively painless.
How to register microchip on pets
When you choose to microchip dogs and cats, you will send paperwork off to a microchip company that will keep your pet's information on file for complete registration. Then, if something happens to the animal, a shelter or vet's office will be able to scan the pet and contact the microchip company where it was registered. 
Pet owners may not be able to always keep in their animals; but they can choose to keep them safely enclosed with pet fencing in the yard and making sure IDs are on dogs and cats at all times.