U.S. Obesity In Dogs

U.S. Obesity In Dogs

It isn't just people that are overweight in the United States. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention's 2017 survey, 50% of dogs in the United States were classified as overweight or obese. That equates to over 50 million companion dogs. 

If they're companions, why aren't we doing more activities with them?

Dogs can easily get the 30 minutes of daily exercise they need from the convenience of their home. The fenced-in backyard is a safe place for dogs to run, play and bond with pet owners. 

Here are things pet owners can do at home to help dogs lose weight fast:

  1. Limit calories while meeting nutrition requirements
  2. Increase the proportion of canned and raw foods in the dog's daily diet
  3. Measure food and feed smaller, more frequent meals
  4. Limit the dog's access to food for other animals in the household
  5. Increase the dog's activity

Fun activities to do with your dog:

Take them for a walk/jog or to the dog park; so, they can play with other animals. Throw a Frisbee near your dog to allow them to run and jump for it. Wrestle them! 

Any exercise for dogs will help them stay fit and look good for many years to come.