Staking Down Fences

Staking Down Fences

When pet owners make the decision to fence-in the yard, tells customers to add fence accessories and stake down the bottom of fences. The next question from customers is 'What For?'

Staking down the fence stops dogs from sneaking out from the bottom of the fence and into harm's way. Ground Stakes also prevent wildlife, including stray cats, from reaching pets from the ground up. 

Stakes for fences are not average camping stakes. They are longer and more durable. After all, a ground stake needs to hold down a steel dog fence and halt action from digging dogs. Ground Stakes from come in Kinked and 'J' Hook Rebar Stakes and the on used along the fence line depends upon the customer's soil type. Rocky soils need Rebar whereas smooth soils need Kinked. 

When deciding on accessories for fences, add ground stakes to your shopping cart.