Fat Dogs Health Risks

Fat Dogs Health Risks

Dogs that suffer from a lack of activity and physical fitness will go through the same health complications as they age as we do. In addition to breathing trouble, dogs risk being classified as obese and risk other health problems including:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Damage to joints, bones and ligaments
  • Diabetes
  • Decreased Stamina
  • Decreased Liver Function
  • and Early Death

The Association For Pet Obesity Prevention declared that 56 percent of dogs in the United States were overweight or obese last year. 

“Veterinarians need to offer more obesity treatment options than: Feed less and exercise more.” states APOP President, veterinarian Dr. Ernie Ward. “The majority of pet owners are overwhelmed with pet food choices and conflicting dietary advice and desperately want help and nutritional recommendations from veterinarians.”

Pet owners need to work with veterinarians to find health dog food options and a dietary plan that works for their specific dog breed. In addition to eating healthy foods, dogs need to exercise in a fenced-in yard at home with pet owners or see a certified dog fitness trainer. 

Dogs need to learn strength training exercises that allow them to run, jump and crawl to help keep them lean.