Message For PA Residents

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Pennsylvania becomes the first state to prohibit tethered dogs in the cold. The new Pennsylvania law for pet owners states that dogs cannot remain outside for more than 30 minutes in below freezing temperatures (32 degrees or below). '

Violators could face up to 90 days in jail, a $300 fine, or both, for a summary offense filed by a dog warden, animal cruelty officer or police. If the offense places the dog at risk of injury, violators could face up to one year in jail or a $2,000 fine, or both, for a second- or third-degree misdemeanor.' ('Pennsylvania now outlaws tethering dogs too long in the cold,' Reading Eagle)

The previous pet law stated that dog owners had to provide a shelter, such as a dog house, for the dogs to stay warm; but the new law is pretty strict. 

Dog owners should consider installing a dog fence instead of tethering their dogs for a few reasons:

1) Dog leashes do not offer a wide reach. Dog fences can be as big as the property allows.

2) Tethering dogs is uncomfortable; and can choke the dog if tugged.

3) Tethered dogs cannot play as free-roaming dogs.

Consider these factors when thinking about the new pet law for dog owners.