Protect Backyard Chickens. Here's How.

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When we think pet fencing, we sometimes only think about dogs and cats as our pets; but this is why offers humane chicken fence solutions for backyard poultry owners. Electric poultry netting is common practice; but it is often viewed as inhumane by pet owners; and therefore, we at do not offer this fence option. Here are two alternative livestock fencing solutions for backyard chicken owners:

Chicken Coops

Your backyard chickens needs a place to call home while they wait for a complete chicken fence system. Before you install your chicken wire fence, you’ll need to give them a safe place to nest. A Chicken Coop is the perfect coop for the backyard flock and the homeowner that doesn’t want to spend hours mucking out a big stationary hen house. Our chicken coop for sale on is a BPA-free plastic alternative that sets up and tears down in minutes, and because it’s entirely made of plastic, it won’t rot like wood or rust like metal after years of weather exposure. Each Mini Coop Chicken Coop houses two chickens.

Chicken Fence Rolls and Kits

Put a roll of our 20-gauge galvanized steel hex web fence between your flock and prowling predators. Our backyard chicken fence rolls for sale are 100% chew-proof for added security, and are PVC-coated to resist weather elements. Chicken wire fences are coated in black PVC to give the fence a virtually invisible appearance from a short distance. Chicken wire fence rolls feature 1-inch hexagonal mesh patterns that are stronger than traditional square meshes, allowing the fence to resist sagging or bending. Backyard chicken wire lasts 20-30 years in the field.