Dog Ticks a Concern

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Food sources for deer are lacking in the wintertime; and because of this, deer keep coming back to properties hoping for home garden goodies. Of course, there won't be any organic food available for humans (or deer) until Spring. What we don't realize is that deer ticks are active when temperatures are above 32 degrees Fahrenheit; and as the temperatures slowly increase this winter, ticks are a concern for individuals and their pets. 

By keeping deer away from our yards with fencing, we are reducing the number of deer ticks reaching our pets. Dogs and cats are able to obtain Lyme Disease and other tick-borne illnesses just like their owners. After dogs return from outdoor playtime or walks, pet owners need to check the bodies of their pets for ticks, especially around the ears and legs. 

If tick bites occur, it's important to know how to remove a tick from pets. Ticks will need to go out for testing and dogs will need to be evaluated for possible Lyme Disease by a veterinarian.