No Wireless Fences!

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  When pet owners consider building yard fence for dogs, they look at a number of factors: affordability, aesthetics and protection for their animals. Of course, not all fence are appropriate to safeguard dogs. 

  Chain-Link Fences, for example are affordable, yet they are a pain to install and are hideous in a backyard. But, we would rather customers buy this type of fence over underground electric fence for dogs. Here's why pet owners should say no to invisible dog fences. 

  Customers who have purchased invisible dog fences will tell you that dogs don't mind the shock; or it will teach them a lesson. But,why would we want to hurt our pets? Wireless fences only teach dogs not to move (out of fear), not to wander away! In the dog's mind, if he/she wanders too far, then an electric shock is on the way. That's not cool.

  This is why we recommend a more humane fence for pets such as a poly or PVC-coated metal fence. The PVC will protect the fence from chew marks but will also protect the dog's mouth from chipped steel (unless chain-link fences which corrode). These fences will last 10-30 years based on strength grade and are available in different heights for all dog breeds.