Happy Cat Month!

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September is the purrfect time of year to celebrate the love of cats! The Catalyst Council created Happy Cat Month, an annual event to spread the word about cat companionship in America. 

Cats make wonderful pets. They get along with kids; play well with other animals; and they are independent. For couples that enjoy spontaneous weekend getaways, cats are the perfect pet - a litter box, fresh food; and toys is all they require!

Considering pet adoption?

There are over 10 million cat owners in the U.S. and more growing each day. If you are looking into pet adoption, consider adopting a cat. According to ASPCA, 3.2 million cats are brought into humane societies each year; and over 800,000 cats are euthanized because nobody wants them. Adopting a cat is a win-win for both pet owner and pet: You'll save a life and make a new companion. 

This September, explore the many benefits of owing cats; and see how to take care of felines with outdoor cat fencing from Easy Pet Fence.