How To Attach Fence

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Fence installation is a breeze for some; but before beginning this DIY fence install project, individuals may be asking 'How do you attach fence mesh to the line posts?' The answer is simple: zip ties - but not the ones found in big box stores.

There are two types of pet fence zip ties that should be used: An 8' self-locking tie or a 14' self-locking tie. The 8' zip ties are used around the fence posts to attach the fence mesh to each post whereas the 14' inch zip ties hold the fence mesh onto corners, ends and gates. The remnant zip tie can be cut off using a cutter-puller tool. This tool is also used to take off zip ties, if a homeowner is interested in taking down the fence and storing the fence roll indoors for the winter.

Fence installation tips: Use one zip tie per foot of fence post.