Keep Deer Out of Yards

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Deer are graceful, majestic animals that homeowners get excited to see in yards; but their presence is actually a health violation for pets. 

For starters, deer are the number one carriers of ticks in the United States; and while not all ticks carry diseases, some carry aggressive tick diseases such as Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever that affect not just pets but humans as well. When homeowners welcome deer onto properties, they put pets at risk for being bit by ticks. 

Furthermore, deer are territorial of their young; and if pets get too close to fawns, they may be approached by does. Doe (female deer) do not leave their young alone during the first year of life; and if they feel threatened, they will attack both humans and pets. As a result, deer may kick animals with their strong legs; or bucks will use their antlers to attack. 

It's best to keep the peace and separate domestic and wild animals with fencing. And, height matters. To stop deer movement on properties, build a 7.5-8' feet tall fence. 

Keep this wildlife management pet care tip in-mind this season.
