New PA Pet Owner Law
MERCER CO., Pa. (WKBN) – With record-breaking cold temperatures, humane agents are reminding pet owners to keep animals inside where it’s warm.
Libre’s Law increases penalties in animal neglect cases. The new Pennsylvania state law could make pet owners felons if they mistreat or neglect dogs and other pets — that includes leaving them outside in the cold for too long.
“Don’t leave them outside,” said Mercer County Humane Officer Paul Tobin. “The new law is pretty clear. Anything under 32 degrees, anything over 90 degrees, your dogs are not allowed outside for more than 20 minutes.”
A person can face felony charges for intentionally torturing, neglecting, or abusing an animal to the point of severe injury or death.
Punishment can be up to seven years in prison and a $15,000 fine.
If you see or know of an animal being abused or neglected, call 911 and report it immediately.
Story re-posted from WKBN 27, November 11, 2017.