Spring Pet Wellness Tips

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Now, that the snow is melting and warmer days are here, dogs and cats can spend more time outside. Here are a few spring season pet wellness tips to keep in-mind:

Your Pets Will Be Playing Outside

For homeowners who are new to being a responsible pet owner, we encourage them to install a dog fence in the backyard so, dogs of all breeds can freely roam the backyard - safely. Speaking of safety, don't purchase shock collars or invisible dog fences. An invisible dog fence hurts the dog; and for the animal, it doesn't know why it is being harmed, it just knows that it is too afraid to keep moving. A humane dog enclosure from EasyPetFence is a must-have for dogs this spring. 

Even cats need as much exercise as a dog; and with a Kitty Corral Cat Fence from EasyPetFence, domestic cats can play in their new cat enclosure without fear of interfacing with wild animals and birds. With a cat fence, the cat won't be able to jump or climb out of the fence and get lost, stolen or into trouble. 

Gardeners: Watch What You Grow In Spring

There are over 700 plants that pose a threat to domestic breeds including: 

  • Lilies, daffodils and other bulb plants
  • Tomatoes still attached with leaves and stems
  • Mushrooms and other fungi
  • Rhubarb plants

You don't have to give up your gardening hobby because of you adopted a pet; but you may want to plant away from the dog fence or cat enclosure. For a complete list of poisonous plants for dogs and cats, see the ASPCA's website and talk to Animal Control.

In addition to plants, gardeners need to be careful what yard chemicals they use to spray grass. Check labels and make sure the ingredients will not harm your dog or cat.

Check For Ticks and Fleas

This goes for you, too. After long periods of outdoor activity, please do a thorough tick check on your pets by gently combing and viewing around the legs, head, neck and ears.
Ticks are most active in the warm months beginning in March; and generally appear in gardens, forests and grassy areas. They tend to hide under leaves for warmth and will feed on warm-blooded mammals given the chance. A tick bite is no laughing matter. Although not all ticks are harmful, some ticks may be carrying Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and other bacterial diseases. Take these steps to successfully remove a dog tick.

Update Dog Vaccinations

Spring is a good time to check-in with your vet and make sure your dog is up-to-date with shots. We choose Spring because dogs socialize more with other dogs continuing through Summer; and this is when dog bites and dog fights most occur. 

It's Time For Spring Cleaning

As with babies, homeowners need to keep household goods away from dogs and cats that may be harmful to them in large dosages. Most pet owners know not to give dogs chocolate, nuts, raisins and grapes; but they may not think about cleaning items. Keep these items away from your pets:

  • Carpet Freshener and Shampoo
  • Toilet Cleaners
  • Vinegar and water
  • Fabric softener sheets
  • Bleach
  • Cold and flu medications
  • Antidepressants

This is a great season to be a pet owner! Enjoy the great outdoors with your beloved pets; take them to dog parks; and play with them in the backyard.