The Top 5 Common Installation Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

The Top 5 Common Installation Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Pet owners, the days of worrying about getting outside to let the dog out are gone. With Easy Pet Fence, we’ve made it easier than ever to purchase a pet fence that is designed to keep your pets safe and secure without breaking the bank. One of the best ways we help you keep costs down is by offering DIY installation. Our simple and effective instructions will help you from start to finish to set up the purr-fect fence for your pet’s needs.

However, it’s important to be aware of some possible mistakes that you could make while installing our pet fence systems. Here are the top five common mistakes that can occur during your installation and how you can avoid them:

#5 Mistake: Not driving ground sleeves into the ground enough.

Ground sleeves are an important component in the installation of deer fencing systems. They are essentially metal tubes that are placed into the ground to provide a secure and stable foundation for the fence posts. However, most people make the mistake of creating holes in the ground that not deep enough to keep the fence posts stable for long. If the fence is not buried deeply enough, it may not provide adequate support and may be susceptible to damage from deer or other wildlife.

Ground sleeves should be as flush with the ground as possible. If you're having trouble with hard or rocky soil you may need an earth auger or a digging bar to start a pilot hole for the ground sleeves. We recommend you bore a hole that is 30 to 36 inches deep so that the ground sleeves stand firm and ensure that your post is even and plumb with the ground.

#4 Mistake: Picking the wrong material for your needs

Every home has unique needs, and it’s important to take those into account before choosing a fence. For example, when choosing a fence material for a home with dogs, it's important to consider several factors, including:

  • the strength and durability of the material,
  • its ability to contain the dogs,
  • and any potential hazards that the material may pose to the dogs.

Here are some common fence materials and their best applications:

  1. Wood: Wood is a popular but expensive fence material, but it may not be the best option for homes with pet. Wood fences can be damaged by chewing or jumping, and they may not provide enough containment for larger or more active dogs or cats.
  2. Poly: Polypropylene fences are great solution for temporary dog enclosures and cat fencing. Cats are unable to climb the unstable surface and will provide a visible barrier for dogs. However, it is not a chew-resistant material and therefore will require additional materials to protect it.
  3. Chain link: Chain link fences are strong and durable, but they may not provide the privacy or appearance that some homeowners prefer. They are also not as chew-resistant as some other fence materials.
  4. Welded Wire: Welded wire is great option for dogs of all shapes and sizes. It’s long-lasting and durable material. With a sleek and aesthetically pleasing look, a variety of mesh sizes and heights, welded wire is a great option but can be more expensive than other options.
  5. Steel Hex: Steel Hex is an affordable, lightweight metal fence option that provides the longevity of metal while being easy to install like poly. However, larger and more active dogs can chew and bend the material.

In some cases, it may be necessary to reinforce the fence with additional materials or to install fence extensions to create safe spaces for cats or taller fences for more active, escape-prone dogs. Give us a call at Easy Pet Fence to help explore your options that will best suit your needs.

# 3 Mistake: Not dry fitting all components

Dry fitting is the process of assembling and fitting the fence components together without using any fasteners, such as nails or screws. This allows you to see how all the pieces fit together and to make any necessary adjustments before installing the fence. Dry fitting has several benefits, including:

  • accuracy
  • ease of installation
  • identification of problems
  • improved visual representation

Overall, dry fitting is an important step in the fence installation process, as it can help to ensure that the fence is installed correctly and to your satisfaction. By taking the time to dry fit the components, you can save time and effort during the installation process. This ensures that your fence will look good and function properly for years to come. Once the dry fit is complete and any necessary adjustments have been made, the components can be prepared for permanent installation.

# 2 Mistake: Incorrectly installing the fence mesh

Installing fence mesh correctly involves several steps, including preparing the area, setting the posts, attaching the mesh, and securing the mesh to the posts.

It's important to take your time and follow these steps carefully to ensure that the fence mesh is installed correctly. Generally, the best rule of thumb for install the fence mesh is to think about what you want your fence to accomplish. If you're trying to keep things in, you want the mesh on the inside of the fence line. If you're trying to keep things out, you want the mesh on the outside of the fence.

#1 Mistake: Not double checking your measurements

From ensuring you are buying the right type and quantity of material to checking the gap between gate posts, there’s a lot to do! As such, you need to make sure your measurements are spot on. Dotting the I’s and crossing the t’s while installing a deer fence is all about precision—something that can be easily overlooked if you’re not careful. Incorrect fence size, waste of materials, poor fit, inefficiency and inadequate security are just some of the drawbacks of not double checking your fence measurements.

The key lies in measuring twice, installing once. Confirming that the measurements are correct can be as simple as measuring the area several times to confirm your measurements. You can also use a measuring tape to confirm the length and height of each component before you install it. By taking the time to double check your measurements, you can ensure that your fence will:

  • be the correct size,
  • fit properly,
  • and provide the security and that you need.


DIY fencing installation mistakes are common, but it’s always best to be aware to avoid expensive, time-consuming double-work later. To avoid making mistakes, you should plan your fencing installation project properly. Carefully read and follow the instructions provided, and make sure you understand the recommended installation procedures and materials.

Are you looking for assistance? You can utilize Easy Pet Fence’s customer support chat or give us a call to answer any and all installation questions.