Ticks In Spring

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In the winter, news about ticks is quiet since tick activity is calm. As long as temperatures remain below freezing (32 degrees Fahrenheit), ticks go dormant and cause relatively little harm to humans and pets. However, in spring, tick movement becomes more active; and this is the season where ticks begin to spread tick diseases such as Lyme Disease.

It isn't just humans that get tick-borne diseases.

Pets can get Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and other tick illnesses that can cause lifelong distress to the body. 

White-tailed deer are the number one carriers of ticks in the United States. To protect pets from tick bites, homeowners should install fencing to keep deer and other wildlife away from yards. If a tick is found on the body, it is important to remove the tick entirely using a tick removal tool.

Ticks hide in grasses and woodlands where pets play. Be sure to groom dogs for ticks after they are done playing outside to avoid trips to the vet.