Tools To Foster Cats

Tools To Foster Cats

Fostering pets is a full-time job that requires commitment, patience and care. After all, foster pet parents are caring for domestic animals that do not belong to them; but need their help. In lieu of the coronavirus (COVID-19 pandemic), animal shelters across the United States are asking for assistance from foster pet parents to care for pets during this difficult time. Here is what will be needed for fostering pets during the good, bad and ugly:

  • Healthy dog and cat foods;
  • Fresh water
  • Bedding or shelter from elements;
  • Outdoor play areas - a fenced-in area is ideal for pet playtime;
  • Pet toothbrushes or gummies for dental care
  • Dog and cat toys
  • Dog shampoos, towels, grooming brushes

Animal shelters across the U.S. are asking for help. The following cities include: New York City; PhoenixSt. LouisMemphis, Tennessee; Norfolk, Virginia; and Austin, Texas. will offer discounted rates on pet fence enclosures for interested foster care parents. Contact marketing to receive the promo code: