Free Amazon e-Gift Cards

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Attention customers: We need your help.

We want to see pictures of your completed dog enclosure or cat enclosure; and all we are asking is that you take a few pictures with your smart phone or camera. Show us your dog fence, chicken wire fence or Kitty Corral cat fence; and we will email you a $10 Amazon e-gift card as our way of saying 'Thank you!'

Simply fill out the information on this web page to get started. There is no limit to the quantity of pictures you can submit; so keep them coming! If you can tell us what type of fence you purchased (poly, steel hex web, welded wire), we would love to know. Was the fencing difficult to assemble? Do you have suggestions for how can improve?

Please note: By submitting your fence photos, you are allowing us and affiliate companies to use these images on websites, marketing collateral and other initiatives as deems appropriate. customers are only eligible to receive one Amazon e-gift card*

We thank you for choosing animal fencing from and appreciate your photo submission!