Why Adopt Shelter Dogs

Why Adopt Shelter Dogs

Dogs really are man's best friend. They act as a security system; and they are always there to lend a shoulder to cry on. There are many benefits to adopting a dog from an animal shelter or humane society. This month, consider adopting a shelter dog. 

You'll save a life. Almost 3 million animals are brought into shelters each year. Together, we can reduce the number of euthanized dogs if only we adopt from a no-killer shelter.  

It costs less to adopt a shelter dog than from a breeder or private party. For less than $100, potential dog owners can leave the shelter with a dog that has been micro-chipped and with shots/vaccines. 

You'll get a loving pet. Dogs brought into shelters have often been abused by previous owners, neglected or abandoned; but by adopting a dog, you are giving this animal a second chance at living; and the dog will feel loved by you. Stay patient and remain calm. It's a learning curve for both you and the dog.

Pet adoption helps other animals. We said earlier that there are over 3 million animals that enter into animal shelters. 

'Every single pet that is adopted frees shelter staff up to work with and prepare the next pet for potential adoption,' said Kenny Lamberti, director of strategic engagement and companion animals for the Human Society.

By adopting one dog, you are making room for another stray dog to enter into the facility.

Shelters house-train animals. This means that most dogs, even puppies, will be potty-trained and will stop teething and biting. Good news for your furniture and carpet!

more than 53000 pets were adopted in 2016 thanks to the Clear the Shelters Project. Let's increase that number for 2017 and beyond!

#AdoptAShelterDog #October #ShelterDogMonth - Follow the conversation on @EasyPetFence.com Facebook.