Why Pets Need Friends

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Bonding with pets is something that every pet owner should do; but pets need time spent with other animals just like them. Think about it. While it's great to spend time with your parents, sometimes you crave a good night with good friends. This is why adopting pets is so important. 

Adopting a dog or cat from an animal shelter or animal rescue gives animals a second chance at finding a forever home. With two dogs or two cats, they will become best friends and follow each other around yards. They will keep an eye out for one another and help keep them out of harm's way. They will also keep each other entertained and out of trouble. With two animals in the house, you will find that your dog will be more energetic; more fit; and happier.

This National Pet Month, consider adopting a second animal for your pet. While dogs are man's best friend,  dogs also need a best friend for themselves.