Why Tension Fence?

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Tension wire may seem like just another fence accessory; but it is one of the most important fence accessories to buy for pet fencing. Here's why.

Some installers may choose to build fence posts 10 feet apart as opposed to the recommended 15-20. That's okay; as long as they are prepared to deal with the sagging fence mesh between posts. 

Tension wire is important for a number of reasons. For one, if fence mesh is drooping, then dogs may easily jump out of the fence and escape. On the other hand, if fence posts are sagging, then wildlife may be able to easily jump into the yard and harm pets. For homes that have a lot of trees, falling branches may be a problem without tensioning and test the strength of the fence.

Monofilament wire makes the fence taut at the top eliminating problems with jumping animals and nearby trees.