Steps To Remove Dog Ticks
There are certain spots in the fur where ticks like to hide on dogs. After your pet is through playing outdoors, do a thorough tick check on-and-around:
- Between toes
- In the groin area
- Underneath dog collars/clothes
- Elbows
- Under the tail
- In and around the ears
Once you spot the tick, it is critical that you remove it at once. The sooner the better to prevent Lyme! Remember, you will have less than 48 hours to remove the tick before the possible transmission of Lyme Disease.
How To Remove Ticks From Pets
1) Household tweezers may not be strong enough to successfully remove the tick. We suggest purchasing tick tweezers or a tick remover tool from for easy handling. With a tick removal tool, users can inspect the tick easily leaving them at peace knowing they have removed all parts of the insect from your body.
2) Disinfect the tick-biting area with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.
3) Pull the tick straight up. Be sure that the head and body both comes out completely. (Remember: Tick-borne disease transmission is not possible without the tick's head as this is what is burrowed inside the skin.) Do not rush the process so the tick's body does not break apart. If it does break for any reason, remove the broken parts from the infected area - do not leave the remaining body parts attached to your skin.
4) Disinfect the tick-biting area with rubbing alcohol one final time.
5) Place the tick in a sealed container. Store in refrigerator if it is alive, and the freezer if it is dead.
6) Take the tick to a doctor's office quickly for testing to identify the type of tick; and consider testing for Lyme Disease and other diseases.
Common Pet Tick Diseases
- Lyme Disease (mostly from Eastern Black-legged Ticks)
- Anaplasmosis
- Ehrlichiosis
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (mostly from American Dog Ticks)
- Hepatazoonosis
- Babesiosis
- Bartonellosis
Does Your Dog Have Lyme Disease?
Keep close eye on pets for days, weeks, after tick bites. While not ticks carry the Lyme Disease bacterium, dogs that have been exposed to Lyme may start feeling changes in their bodies and moods. Dogs will start exhibiting these signs of Lyme Disease:
- Unsteadiness
- Excessive Drooling
- Weak Muscles
- Muscle Aches/Joint Pains
- Difficulty Eating/Swallowing
- Fast Heart Beat
Early stage Lyme Disease in dogs can be treated with antibiotics. Consult a veterinarian for more information.