Why Install a Dog Fence

Like us, dogs need time outside to breathe in fresh air; exercise and socialize with other dog breeds. Dogs that spend too much time indoors become lazy, inactive and risk cardiovascular diseases and obesity as a result. This is one of many reasons why pet owners choose to install yard fencing for dogs. 

While there are many types of fence on the market, not all dog fences are considered humane for puppies and dogs. While chain-link fences do not shock a dog like a wireless dog fence, chain-link is unsightly and it will eventually corrode. Invisible dog fences are the least humane type of dog fence. These fences use shock collars and harmful jolts to deter dogs from freely moving about a property line. Why would we wish to instill fear into our dogs when we are trying to get them to run, jump and play more?

For the customer looking for alternative types of fencing, choose poly dog fence and metal dog fence from EasyPetFence.com. These fences are suitable for all types of dogs with different energy levels and personalities. 

Poly Dog Fencing is best used for small or calmer dogs that are less likely to jump or challenge the strength of the barrier. While not chew-proof, this type of plastic dog fence is easy to install and built to last 10-15 years outside. 

Metal Dog Fencing is stronger and longer-lasting than plastic dog fencing. Pet owners with larger or more rambunctious dogs will want to use this type of fence. The material in both the Steel Hex Web Fence and Welded Wire Fence are chew-proof and PVC-coated to protect the steel from chew marks and inclement weather. Both types of steel dog fences will last 20-30 years outside in all weather environments. 

Dog Fence Kits are built with the beginner in mind and come with all fence supplies and materials to DIY! Dog Fence Rolls help expand yard space; and make happy dogs happier. 

Shop Dog Fence from EasyPetFence.com today!

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