Best Poultry Fence Height

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How Did Raising Chickens Become Popular?

Raising backyard chickens started trending in 2020 as homeowners are looking for ways to become sustainable and avoid the crowds at grocery stores.

Reason To Raise Backyard Chickens

Backyard chickens make wonderful pets and help to produce the best-tasting foods and even keep away deer ticks in the yard! For those thinking of raising poultry at home, consider yard fencing for the pet chickens. 

Choosing The Right Poultry Fence

The best type of fence for backyard chickens will be made of metal construction. There are electric poultry netting and fences on the market; but that is not humane. Protecting flock can be done in a more humane manner with a metal fence that contains small mesh holes - such as a hexagonal fence. Having one with PVC coating will offer additional security against harsh weather elements and predatory animals like coyotes. 

Height Considerations

Surprisingly, chickens can only fly short distances due to their size; and they can easily cross over a 4 foot high fence, if motivated. It's best to install poultry fencing that is at least 6 feet high to block short flights.

The Benefits

Raising pet chickens is a great way to become sustainable at home while learning a new skill. Consider owning backyard chickens if space allows at home. 

Build A Chicken Fence With Easy Pet Fence

Shop chicken fence poultry products! Find everything you need to assemble your diy fence kits with rolls and custom parts. Check out our how to install instructions for more information on how to build an Easy Pet Fence today.