Electric Fence For Dogs

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There are many types of fence on the market for dogs; but some of the most popular fence types include chain-link fence for large dogs such as Rottweilers and Mastiffs and wireless dog fencing for small and medium sized dog breeds. While chain-link fence can be deemed as unsightly, it is not nearly as inhumane as in-ground fence. Here's why homeowners should say 'no' to electric fence for dogs:

As with farm animal fencing, electric fencing for dogs uses shock waves to send a message to dogs. The message states: 'stay inside the yard or else...' and after doing it once, twice, three times, companion animals simply stop moving freely in yards. They are too scared to move! Electric fencing harms dogs both physically and psychologically; and why would we want to hurt our best friends?

In addition to chain-link fence, there are alternative fence for sale that will not harm dogs made from plastic and metal construction. For pet owners not interested in 'shock therapy' on pets, consider these other pet fence options.