Starting a TNR Program

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April is the start of kitten season; and although kittens are adorable, they can be quite intrusive to homeowners. Feral cats will keep coming back to properties in search for food; and while on-site, the stray cats may get into fights with our own  pets or spread diseases to them. 

And, it's not their fault, they are just doing what they need to do to survive. With over 60 million homeless cats in America, there has to be some way to get these cats off the streets and into forever homes. This is why cat lovers choose to start Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) Programs in their community. 

Community Cat Programs help reduce the number of homeless cats and provide them with shelter, medical care and love. TNR Programs also cut the number of cats that are brought into shelters that may be euthanized. While TNR Programs reduce the number of birth rates of homeless cats, it is an effective and humane treatment of animals. 

Beginning a Feral Cat Program will require dedication and commitment; but it can be done with a group of cat-loving volunteers.