Pet Preparedness Month

Pet Preparedness Month

June is Pet Preparedness Month; and because June is the start of summer (aka the hottest season), we need to talk about summer pet health tips. 

For starters, June gets hot, like 90+ degrees Fahrenheit; and pets are wearing a permanent fur coat. For this reason, pet owners cannot visibly see that pets may be sweating.

The signs of heat stroke in dogs are:

  • Lethargy
  • Dry gums
  • Decreasing urination
  • Loss of appetite
  • Drooping eyes

During outdoor time, get your dog plenty of fresh drinking water and shade to avoid the hot sun rays. Apply dog sunscreen to animals, if you both plan on being outside for many hours.

Secondly, pet owners need to keep watch of deer ticks that may be around the yard or along hiking trails. Spring and summer are when ticks are most visible. Ticks hide in the fur of animals on ankles, necks and tails. Know how to remove a tick with tick remover tools and take pets to the vet to be checked for tick diseases. 

Lastly, pets need to be able to cool down this summer. Take dogs swimming in a pool or simply hose them down. This is important to avoid dehydration in dogs and heat stroke.

This Pet Preparedness Month, keep dogs and cats protected from harm this summer.