Tick Hiding Spots On Dogs
Because tick season begins in March, it's important for pet owners to learn the basics about Lyme Disease and tick prevention.
First off, both dogs and cats can get Lyme Disease; but the effects of Lyme Disease are different among pets. If your normally active dog appears lazy or in pain, it's possible that they have been bitten by a tick.
Here are the signs of Lyme Disease in pets:
- Unsteadiness
- High Blood Pressure
- Fast Heart Beat
- Loss of Muscle Movement
- Difficulty Eating
- Excessive Drooling

Ticks on dogs tend to hide on the following areas:
- In and around ears
- Toes
- Around the groin area
- Underneath tails
- Underneath collars
- Elbows
- and eyelids
While not all ticks carry Lyme Disease, pet owners need to be aware of the dangers of Lyme Disease and how to remove a tick. Do not burn the fur or skin with a match or lighter. Do not use nail polish remover to remove a tick.
Here is a better tick removal method:
1. Disinfect the infected area with soap;
2. Use tick tweezers or a tick removal tool;
3. Pull straight up. Do not rush, so the tick head or body does not break off.
4. Disinfect the infected area once more.
Take the tick to a vet for evaluation and keep watch on your dog for possible Lyme Disease transmission.